Obstacle Course
Make a path between rows of packing peanuts for participants to run between without disturbing any of the "hazardous" materials. Make the task trickier by timing their speed or also requiring a cape to be worn as the cape will create a breeze as they fly through the course.
Add blocks or boxes to jump over or walk across depending on their stability.
Have a balance beam or a rope on the ground they must cross one foot in front of the other.
Give participants a balloon or small ball to hold between their calves while walking.
Create a hop scotch section or place hula hoops on the ground to hop through.
Set up tables, chairs, or boxes to crawl under (add a challenge by tying string between the table legs that they must also crawl under).
Change the way they need to move through the course e.g. bunny hop, crab crawl.
Challenge participants to carry an object with a spoon.
Target Practice
Bowling pin/ 2-liter bottle villain faces knock-down
Bags (Corn hole) toss
Create monster or villain targets for Nerf fights.
Suspend hula hoops they have to toss items through.
Use pool noodles and toss javelin style.
Roll small balls or slide beanbags aiming at kids' feet and have them dodge them.
Tween Improv Game-- Hero Poses
Form a circle. First player makes their heroic pose. The player on their left copies their pose and then must strike a pose of their own. The player on their left only copies the previous pose and then creates their own (so every player performs two poses, and ever pose is only performed twice). It might take a few practice tries, but it is a great ice breaker, and can be adapted to sound effects (KAPOW!) and fighting moves.
Friendly Tween Game of Dodge Ball
T-Shirt Capes PAGE 207 or view the step-by-step tutorial from The Southern Institute
Ask patrons to donate lightly used old t-shirts.
Cuffs PAGE 213
Super Hero Day, by Kimmy Schwimmy available on iTunes. Lyrics can be found in the CSLP manual on PAGE 198. Play this song while kids are running through the obstacle course or crafting. Teach the kids the dance from the YouTube video. Choreographed also by Kimmy Schwimmy.
Use the flannel rhyme "Ready for Action" on PAGE 168. Create extra masks, capes, letters and gadgets and let the kids decide how the superhero should dress.
My Many Colored Capes by Carissa Christner is another fun color rhyme.
Challenge your patrons to 30 second challenges.
Set out a few challenges they can choose from, or change them daily/weekly. Have a 30 second timer set out and any of the props they may need like a bean bag ball, dice, cards, stacking cups. If you have a 10 second timer, you could make the challenges harder by setting that out.
Place a hacky sack on your foot and hop 5 times on the other foot without dropping the footbag.
Lie down and place a hacky sack on your forehead and then try standing without it falling off.
Throw a ball in the air and clap 5 times before catching it.
Say "A tidy tiger tied a tie tightly to her tiny tail," 5 times without stumbling.
Start with a bean bag ball on the floor. Flip it into a chair with only your foot.
Place two crayons in each hand. With your eyes closed, drop them on the floor and pick them up without looking.
Spell your last name and then first name backwards without stumbling.
Place a hacky sack on your back and walk backwards in a full circle without it falling off.
Turn in a complete circle with a book balanced on your head.
Have the supplies set out they might need to decorate their own mask.
Superhero Camp